Impractical Decorating Ideas
More is More - collage group show at Boom Gallery in Geelong, Victoria

Artist statement:
Impractical Decorating Ideas reflect a ‘more is more’ approach to home decorating through the activities of constant collecting and endless craft making, forming what could graciously be described as curated clutter. Colourfully accentuated crochet imagery, accompanied by paper cut-outs of found sea shells, porcelain animals, retro toys, glass and ceramic vessels, swirly blobs of hardened icing, hanging ornaments and embroidered cushions all compete for attention. These domestic arrangements reflect my own impulses toward interior decoration, where restraint is difficult to apply on so many lovingly collected objects each deemed worthy of display. As the home can be the truest reflection of the self, the occasional inclusion of jewellery images in this series link to my similarly generous approach to dressing and my enjoyment of making and collecting wild earrings.

Click to view exhibition catalogue